[Frequently Asked Questions]
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[File Formats]
[Technical Information]
This page last updated on 2 May 2000
[Essential Sites]
[Games Help]
[Real Machines]
[User Groups]
[Other Sites]
- Mat Simpson's anally retentives retro games home: a general retro games site, but has some Speccy stuff including a couple of Mac fonts, an animated .GIF of Jet Set Willy and some info on some people and companies (eg Ultimate and Imagine).
The comp.sys.sinclair Crap Games Competition 2000:
the latest installment of fantastic programs from the readers of the world's greatest newsgroup.
- The Dot Eaters & The Number Crunchers
has a moderate amount of Sinclair information in it, and may have PDF
versions of the Speccy manual in both English and German by the time
you read this. Mostly in German.
- El Mundo del Spectrum: a Spanish site with a fair amount of stuff on it, including Miner Willy's life history, the "Everyone's A Wally" music, demos and some pokes.
Adam Moss has written a plug-in
to allow the mighty Gimp to load
.SCR files.
- Glenn Flood's House of Flood
has a collection of his art, including two cassette inlay designs he did
for Quicksilva.
- Philip Bee's I've Started So I'll Finish
has a large collection of interviews with various Spectrum progammers, and also
a copy of Bob Pape's
'Loading a Spectrum Screen' screensaver.
- Staffan Vilcan's Sinclair Nostalgia Products: a screensaver, a couple of counters, some MIDI files of Spectrum music and a few snaps.
- Sinclair Research now
have a small Web site; it's basically devoted to their current products,
but there is at least a brief mention of the Speccy on the links page.
- Nick Savoiu has a list of links on his Sinclair ZX Spectrum Switchboard
that haven't been updated for some time, and has an animated 'busy' cursor for Windows 95/NT
on this page which is quite
well done and worth a go; co-author of WinXZX.
- Peter Mella's The Spectrum Site: a brief introduction to the Speccy and its emulation scene, as well as an interview with Matthew Smith.
- The Spectrum Webring
- go on, take a guess! A full list
of members is also available.
- Andrew Herbert's ZX Spectrum Image Applet
is a little Java applet which pretends to load any GIF or PNG image as a SCREEN$.

This FAQ is maintained by Philip Kendall;
distribution is permitted only under the conditions specified in the
copyright notice.
Primary site
for this FAQ: http://www.ast.cam.ac.uk/~pak/cssfaq/index.html.