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This page last updated on 11 Aug 2000
[Essential Sites]
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[Real Machines]
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[Other Sites]
The biggest collection of games available is at
Martijn van der Heide's World of Spectrum;
see the Essential Sites section for
more details.
- Marcus Durham's 8 Bits
has game reviews for the Speccy (cheer!), C64 (spit!) and Amstrad CPC.
- Rob Erlich has written the Advanced Year 2000 Simulator,
and kindly made it available for you to download...
- Another Tribute to ZX Spectrum,
by Stefan Andersson, has a collection of Swedish games and the like.
- Beam Software have all their games
available on their Web site.
- The demos and the like from the Chaos Constructions 999
Demo Party are available at Chaosite
(see the 'Files' section).
- Chaos Squad! is Nuno
Barros' tribute to Julian Gollop's games. However, you will need
Netscape or Internet Explorer v4 to access it due to its dependence on
Javascript :-(.
- Chrysagon has a few demos and the like available from his homepage.
- Arttu Ylrakkola's Color Clash Forever!
site is an excellently presented set of stuff including a good number
of games, plus info on Imagine, Sir Clive's life story, fake Speccy
screenshots of new PC games and other stuff. Very nice site!
- Jon Nixon's cOnvergence
has a couple of his games (including Gnasher from Mastertronic)
available for download.
- Blood's Crap Speccy Page
- home of the comp.sys.sinclair
crap games compilation, the Manic Miner editor, a list of
snapshots that are currently not to be found on the net (can
you help?) and other stuff.
- Delta 4 now have a
web site, and rather good it is too. Wander round Fergus' domain and
marvel at the amount of substances he must have taken in order to
write such weirdness. Site thankfully not removed as had been thought.
- Demotopia is a large collection of demos, from Matthew Westcott.
- Desert Island Disks is
Michael Bruhn's creation, and contains extra information about some of
the Missing In Action
games, as well as an index to the type-in listings from Speccy mags,
and some stuff for sale/swap, a fanzine and a high-score database.
- Jacob Munkhammar has a couple of his (Swedish) adventure games at his
Freeware ZX Spectrum Adventures page.
- Geoff's Jet Set Willy Page
has Geoff Eddy's J4 update of JSW and his room editor.
- Hooy Program
are, to quote their homepage, a "slighty insane Polish ZX group".
- Alistair Nelson's Humble Abode
has some information on R-Type, amongst a few other bits.
- TDM, of the K3L Corporation
demo group, has some of their stuff on his home page.
- KF's Games Archive
currently contains only a copy of his game, League.
- Jamie Stallwood has produced a Manic Miner Map
and placed it on-line for you.
- Jordi Perez's Mis Programas has 6 games which he wrote during the 1980s.
- Harvey Lodder's "Most Wanted"
snapshots request page.
- The Omega Haker's Group Homepage is here.
- Dave Rushall's Pie Cafe
has a few of his old games available for download.
- Rare (the current owners of the Ultimate name)
have finally put some stuff on their Web site, including a fair bit of
information about the games from the Ultimate era (not including snaps, though
- The Raww Arse Archive
is the home of the Raww Arse, Extacy-3, and Yopla Brothers demo
Ritman.co.uk is the home of Jon Ritman, author of the fantastic `Head Over Heels', amongst others.
- Russian Spectrum
is Arcadiy's homepage, and has Gun Commander, a new front-end for TR-DOS.
- Ales Vojnar's Sinclair ZX Spectrum CS
has a large collection of Czech and Slovak games, including some translations of other software (eg Tasword 2).
- John Marshall has the source to his game, Shadow Skimmer available
from his Speccie Game Source Museum.
- Dominic Morris's Speccy Page
has DiSCDOS, a utility to read +D and Disciple discs on a +3, and
Slowdos, the same thing for MS-DOS disks.
- Novikov Sergei's Speccy World! has
lots of seriously hacked games on it - the Russians are really into
updating Speccy games with extra levels, music and so on. All in
Hobeta format, with a Hobeta converter on there too. Some reviews as
- Spechell
from Jamie Percival is another games review site, which has at least
got past reviewing 4 games and then giving up; also at this site is
the 'Congraturations Archive', a collection of snaps just before the
end of games.
- Spectrum Screenshot Heaven
from Alexandre Luiz B. Moro is a large collection of screenshots from
Speccy games.
- Marek Sedlar's !!!Spectrum Forever!!!
has info, games (mirrored from NVG) and links, plus a great picture of our Clive.
- Theo Devil's Spectrum World
has a small collection of his own games and demos.
- Mat Simpson has created a tribute to Starquake.
Looks great, but doesn't half take long to load!
- Cameron Knight's homage to Ultimate (Play the Game)
contains all the games, and (almost) all the inlays from the Stamper brothers
and their friends.
- Rob Uttley has created the Ultimate Play The Game Appreciation Site,
which has info on Ultimate and all their games.
- Paul Wooding has the Ultimate Players Guide to Rebelstar on his site.
- Virtual TR-DOS has a lot of games on it, but all the text is in Russian, so I can't actually tell you that much about it.
- Russ Juckes' ZX Spectrum Bit has
a few games, loading screens and a scan of the back cover of the last
issue of Your Sinclair, and also 'We Must Peform A Quirkafleeg'. Don't
know what a Quirkafleeg is? Go and find out then...
- Brown Software's ZX Spectrum Games
has eight of their old games on it.
- Andrew Barker's ZX-Spectrum Pages
has a load of Amiga utilities and also Missing in Snaption, an
attempt to replace all the snaps on World of
Spectrum with tape images.
- Aleksandr Babaylov's ZX Spectrum Software Museum
- a large collection of snapshots and tapes; a lot of games here, but
it can be a slow site and some of the directories don't actually
contain the snapshot itself. Not dead as previously suspected, just

This FAQ is maintained by Philip Kendall;
distribution is permitted only under the conditions specified in the
copyright notice.
Primary site
for this FAQ: http://www.ast.cam.ac.uk/~pak/cssfaq/index.html.