[Frequently Asked Questions]
[Where Is...?]
[File Formats]
[Technical Information]
This section last updated on 6 January 2000
[Essential Sites]
[Games Help]
[Real Machines]
[User Groups]
[Other Sites]
All phone numbers in this section are in Britain
unless otherwise stated; to phone Britain from overseas, dial your
international code, followed by 44, then the number listed below,
without the initial 0.
- The Bus Stop BBS in England: (01273) 774121 (go to area 34)
I had a quick look around this one many moons ago, and it was almost
empty. I took another look in December 1996, and it was still
practically empty. Not worth the phone call in my opinion, unless the
sysop actually bothers to add some files.
- Emulator BBS in England: (01284) 760851
Allan (aka Fatta Agnus, sysop) has a well-stocked BBS here, with a
fair amount of Speccy stuff as well as stuff for other 8-bit machines;
it should include at least most of World of Spectrum
by the time you read this. Users get to have a 1Mb area to themselves
for putting up a virtual homepage - a web page viewable by other BBS
users but not actually on the Internet.
- Hernan Lo Iacono's BBS is the first
Argentine BBS promoting the user of Sinclair machines and emulators
and also has a web page
and FTP site.
- Sinclair Computer Connection (SCC) BBS (in the USA?): 305-945-8274
- ZX-LAND BBS in Poland: +48 043782892.
Up from 22:00 to 00:00 (CET) weekdays. No software here but you can
talk about hardware problems with the apparently very knowledgeable
Jaroslaw Adamski. Use 9600,8,1,n modem settings.
- The following boards are in Spain, the information coming from
Eduardo Garcìa Gallego's Spectrum page.
Thanks Eduardo! If anyone knows any more about these boards, please
let me know.
- Camelot BBS in Spain: +34 1 501-2652, 28.8, Members Only
- Citfi BBS in Spain: +34 1 517-0947, 28.8, Free.
- EDiSoN's TeMPLe in Spain: +34 1 551-0065, 28.8, Free.
- Emporium BBS in Spain: +34 1 378-2005, 28.8, Free.
- Espìritu Navideo in Spain: +34 1 693-0276, 28.8, Free.
- Lim BBX in Spain: +34 42 542496, 28.8, Free.
- Sakery Fox BBS in Spain: +34 1 413-9855, 28.8, Free.

This FAQ is maintained by Philip Kendall;
distribution is permitted only under the conditions specified in the
copyright notice.
Primary site
for this FAQ: http://www.ast.cam.ac.uk/~pak/cssfaq/index.html.