[Frequently Asked Questions]
[Where Is...?]
[File Formats]
[Technical Information]
This page last updated on 2 May 2000
[Essential Sites]
[Games Help]
[Real Machines]
[User Groups]
[Other Sites]
All the addresses and phone numbers in this section
are in Britain unless otherwise stated; to phone Britain from
overseas, dial your international code, followed by 44, then the
number listed below, without the initial 0.
- Greek Spectrum Club:
Seem a little crazy but then again we all must be to be playing with
Speccies in this day and age...
- The HCC Sinclair gg
(also available in English)
claim to be the biggest Sinclair Users Group in Western Europe.
- Independent Eight Bit Association (IEBA)
Not purely a Sinclair group, their main project is an 8-bit directory, which
aims to list clubs, magazines, repairers, suppliers, etc for all 8-bit
machines. For more information, send your address to the publicity officer,
Brian Watson, or
39 High Street
CB6 2RA.
- Long Island Sinclair Timex Users Group
This is a very active user group that supports all the Sinclair and
Timex computers in the USA. They still publish a monthly newsletter, have
monthly meetings and give technical support to Sinclair and Timex users.
For further information and a sample newsletter contact:
Long Island Sinclair Timex Users Group (L.I.S.T.)
c/o Robert Glider
69 Jefferson Place
Massapequa, N.Y. 11581
Alternatively, e-mail Fred Stern
or Bob Malloy.
- Spectrum Profi Club in Germany; snail-mail:
Wolfgang & Monika Haller
Im Tannenforst 10
D-51069 Köln
- Spectrum User Club:
This is also the page of Sintech, who are one of the few
companies left that sell Spectrum software on tape/disk at original
prices! They also sell new/used Spectrum hardware.

This FAQ is maintained by Philip Kendall;
distribution is permitted only under the conditions specified in the
copyright notice.
Primary site
for this FAQ: http://www.ast.cam.ac.uk/~pak/cssfaq/index.html.