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This page last updated on 6 January 2000
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If you're after games, emulators or anything Spectrum-related,
there are a number of FTP sites worth visiting, and new ones spring up
now and again, especially in Eastern Europe... one piece of advice
here is that you normally get better performance using a proper FTP
client, rather than a Web browser, which keeps making and dropping the
FTP connection.
ftp.void.jump.org/pub/sinclair and ftp.nvg.ntnu.no/pub/sinclair
are THE Speccy FTP sites! In fact, you can probably ignore the
rest of them; see the Essential Sites section for
more details.
- zx.ru (also available on the Web at zx.ru/ftp) has mirrors of most of the Spectrum sites out there, including some which are now dead, as well as WoS and NVG.
- akira.uc3m.es/pub/sinclair
has some old emulators and snaps. (Mirrored by zx.ru)
- ceu.fi.udc.es/os/emulator/spectrum has a large number of games on it; also available on the Web at ceu.fi.udc.es/ftp/os/emulator/spectrum/. (Mirrored by zx.ru)
- de.da.ru/pub/spectrum has a couple of emulators and a collection of Dizzy games. (Mirrored by zx.ru)
- ftp.beamsoft.com/pub/beam/old_games/spectrum/ is Beam Software's FTP site, and just has their old games on it. (Mirrored by zx.ru)
- ftp.demon.co.uk/pub/emulators/spectrum has a very small number of snapshots, copies of Emulate! and some emulators (old versions though). (Mirrored by zx.ru)
- ftp.earth.ox.ac.uk/pub/speccy contains some adverts for the Speccy, in JPEG format. (Mirrored by zx.ru)
- ftp.funet.fi/pub/mirrors/ftp.gmd.de/if-archive is a mirror of the site below.
- ftp.gmd.de/if-archive is an interactive fiction archive, including Level 9 adventure stuff and some emulators. (Partially mirrored by zx.ru)
- ftp.gui.uva.es/pub/sistemas/sinclair is a mirror of NVG. (Mirrored by zx.ru with the wrong path)
- ftp.ipp.pt/pub/sinclair/ is Rui 'WSpecEm' Ribeiro's FTP site with lots of snapshots etc. (Mirrored by zx.ru)
- ftp.itu.edu.tr/pub/systems/spectrum
- ftp.nat.com.ar/sinclair/ is the Sinclairmaníacos BBS FTP site
- ftp.oic.lv/Acid-Nature/Speccy is a site full of updated etc games by our Eastern European friends. (Mirrored by zx.ru at its old address of ftp.ogre2vsk.edu.lv)
- ftp.stv.runnet.ru/pub/Speccy has some emulators and docs. (Mirrored by zx.ru)
- ftp.telecom.grodno.by/zxspectrum has a large number of games, as well as Russian docs. (Mirrored by zx.ru)
- ftp.tu-dresden.de/pub/soft/zxspectrum is a mirror of NVG. (Mirrored by zx.ru)
- ftp.ualg.pt/ZXSpectrum/ appears to simply be a slightly better organised copy of NVG. (Mirrored by zx.ru)
- ftp.vse.cz/pub/linux/system/emulators/spectrum has a few games on it. (Mirrored by zx.ru)
- gnjilux.cc.fer.hr/pub/spectrum is a copy of the stuff on NVG. (Mirrored by zx.ru, but when I checked on 21 June 1999, all the directories were empty)
- lurch.ucd.ie/mirrors/ftp.nvg.unit.no/pub/sinclair is a mirror of NVG. (Mirrored by zx.ru)
- ngts.telecom.nov.ru/home/hirez/incoming contains one emulator, and some other stuff which I don't know what it is :-) (Mirrored by zx.ru)
- uhura.ijs.si/pub/zx (used to be ftp.ijs.si) was the best
FTP site a few years ago, until it became virtually impossible to log
onto, and the FTP site has now closed completely; however, it is now
accessible via the Web, at www.ijs.si/ftp/zx, but hasn't been updated, and now looks somewhat dated. (Mirrored by zx.ru)
- virgo.inesc.pt/pub/games has some stuff of its own, as well as a very old mirror of NVG. (Mirrored by zx.ru)

This FAQ is maintained by Philip Kendall;
distribution is permitted only under the conditions specified in the
copyright notice.
Primary site
for this FAQ: http://www.ast.cam.ac.uk/~pak/cssfaq/index.html.