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This page last updated on 11 Aug 2000
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All the addresses and phone numbers in this section
are in Britain unless otherwise stated; to phone Britain from
overseas, dial your international code, followed by 44, then the
number listed below, without the initial 0.
The Your Sinclair Rock'n'Roll Years:
see the Essential Sites section.
- Alchemist News
is a tape-based Spectrum magazine; past issues can be found on NVG.
- Classix,
by Alex Waddington was previously a
paper magazine, but has now moved to an on-line format.
is a paper-based SAM and Speccy magazine, edited by Dave Fountain. The
cost is £1.50, or £6 for 5 issues. Send cash or uncrossed
postal orders (note they don't accept cheques!) to:
Crashed Fanzine
11 Camel Road
London, E16 2DE.
- The CRASH Online Edition
by Matthew Wilson has a fair amount of Crash available.
Michael Bruhn produces Desert Island Disks,
a paper fanzine complemented by his website.
- Èasopis pravého Spectristy is a Czech(?) magazine, I think...
- Barry Plewa's Emulate!
has games, technical stuff, reviews, chart listings, and much
more. The plain text version is available from
(though not the last issue by the looks of things) or NVG.
No new issues for a long time, but Barry popped up on
comp.sys.sinclair in December 1999 asking about interest in a new
- Format magazine is another paper magazine. For details,
write to:
Format Publications
34 Bourton Road
GL4 0LE,
or phone (01452) 412572.
- Hacker's Hangout is a paper magazine, concentrating on the
Speccy hacking going on today: £1.50 for one issue, or £4
for three. Apparently comes out every two months with 25 pages in each
issue. The address for orders (cheques preferred) is:
29 Dent Drive
Eastmoor Estate
West Yorkshire
WF1 4JG;
for more details, e-mail the author, Andy Ryals.
- Jedi's Wonderful World of Lunar Jetman
is a tribute to Crash's cartoon
strip, featuring an interview with its creator, John Richardson.
- The Nonowt Home Page
has eZine X, a large collection of hints, reviews, etc from SU, YS and
Crash, as well as the covers of the first 48 issues of Crash.
- Keith Ainsworth has some Speccy-related stuff on the Retrogamer Fanzine Homepage.
- The Spectrum Oracle on Trumpton (SPOT*ON)
is a Jim Grimwood's great big index of which magazine issues contained
which features, etc.
- Andy Kavanagh's Spectrum Worship
has Your Sinclair's 'hilarious' "Kindly Leave The Stage", as well as
an introduction to emulation scene, and the alt.binaries.comp.sinclair FAQ.
- Stewart Edgar has put up Stuart Campbell's Top 100 Spectrum Games of All Time
(from YS) up on the Web.
- Új Alapalap
is a new mag with some Speccy stuff in it; see the `Tartalom 1999'
Steve Broad has put up Crash's Unclear User
spoof on-line.
- Your Sinclair
- parts of some of the later issues up on the web courtesy of
Simon Cooke, YS's tech tips editor for those issues.
- Stuart Campbell has put some
of his contributions to Your Sinclair
onto his Web site.
- Unsatisfactory Software have created Your Sinclair: A Celebration, which is a collection of
articles and pictures from that magazine. The graphics have now been converted
to .GIF files, so hopefully we can all see them now!
- Jim Grimwood's Your Spectrum Unofficial Archive
is, well, an unofficial archive of the Your Spectrum magazine.
- Jonathan Nash has put YS2
YS3 is an on-line
magazine in the style of Your Sinclair.

This FAQ is maintained by Philip Kendall;
distribution is permitted only under the conditions specified in the
copyright notice.
Primary site
for this FAQ: http://www.ast.cam.ac.uk/~pak/cssfaq/index.html.