[Frequently Asked Questions]
[Where Is...?]
[File Formats]
[Technical Information]
This section last updated on 11 Aug 2000
[Essential Sites]
[Games Help]
[Real Machines]
[User Groups]
[Other Sites]
Please note that this FAQ covers only the Spectrum; if you're after
information on other Sinclair machines, you might like to try one
This list is now split into three sections:
- The Essential Sites - if
you're a newcomer to the Spectrum scene, these are the places to
start. If you're not, these may well still be the sites you visit the
- Those sites which have the most useful information on them. These have been split by the type of information they contain:
- BBS: Bulletin Boards.
- Conversions: Spectrum games converted and updated for newer machines.
- FTP Sites
- Games Etc: Games and other programs for your Spectrum.
- Games Help: Hints, tips, cheats and pokes for games.
- IRC: Internet Relay Chat servers.
- Magazines: Publications about the Spectrum, both the classics and more modern ones.
- Miscellaneous: Things that don't find elsewhere.
- News: Usenet newsgroups and mailing lists related to the Spectrum.
- Real Machines: Real Spectrums and parts to fix your old ones.
- Reference Material: Manuals, technical information and the like.
- Search Engines: Ways to find more Spectrum information.
- Utilities: Spectrum-related programs which run on machines other than your Speccy.
- User Groups: Collections of people who want to talk about Spectrums.
- All the Other Spectrum Sites that I know
about. There's nothing wrong with these sites, but they may be a bit
out of date, or just don't have much unique content on them.

This FAQ is maintained by Philip Kendall;
distribution is permitted only under the conditions specified in the
copyright notice.
Primary site
for this FAQ: http://www.ast.cam.ac.uk/~pak/cssfaq/index.html.