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This page last updated on 11 Aug 2000
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All the addresses and phone numbers in this section
are in Britain unless otherwise stated; to phone Britain from
overseas, dial your international code, followed by 44, then the
number listed below, without the initial 0.
- The on-line auction house eBay
can have some Speccy stuff on, but the auction format does mean that
prices tend to get to silly levels.
- The US-based Home Electronics Service
claim to have "some parts for the Spectrum and ZX81". Might be worth a
try if you're on that side of the Atlantic.
- Replacement +3 drive belts are available from:
Brian Watson (see the Independent
Eight Bit Association in the User Groups
section for his address): £1 including post & packing in the
UK, and £3 (or the equivalent in local currency) for
two belts elsewhere.
- Kevin Gurd: £2 (All cheques and money orders should be payable to "K. Gurd")
21 Ladycross Road
Southampton, SO45 3JR
- or from Trading Post (see below);
- Loot is a
UK free-ads paper which often has Spectrums and the like for sale.
- New membranes can also be bought from Jean Austermuhle in Germany;
his postal address is:
Sternwartstr. 69
D-40223 Dusseldorf
Tel: +49 (0)211 395460
Prices (all exclusive of postage & packing):
- 48k rubber board: £10
- 48K+/128K: £19
- 48K/128K (better quality like +2/+2A): £23.
Do contact him before sending any money.
- Miscellanea has
the beginnings of a price guide to how much real Sinclair machines are
going for in the present day. However, most of the prices are gathered
from eBay: see my comment above!
- Trading Post
have a large collection of Speccy spares, as well as real +2As for
sale. For details, visit their Web page, contact them via snail-mail
Trading Post
Victoria Road
Shropshire, TF11 8AF
or phone/fax them on (01952) 462135
- Microdrive cartridges (as well as complete Microdrive kits) can be
obtained in the UK from:
W.N. Richardson & Co.
6 Ravensmead
Chiltern Hill
Chalfont St Peter
Bucks, SL9 0NB
Telephone/Fax (01494) 871319

This FAQ is maintained by Philip Kendall;
distribution is permitted only under the conditions specified in the
copyright notice.
Primary site
for this FAQ: http://www.ast.cam.ac.uk/~pak/cssfaq/index.html.