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This page last updated on 31 October 1998
[Windows CE]
[Other Platforms]
2 emulators listed:
- Emulates the 48K machine (with Hungry Horace pre-loaded).
- No load capability.
- No save capability.
- No real tape support.
- Requires a Yaroze (programmable Playstation).
- Speed?
- Freeware?
- Good points?
- Plays only Hungry Horace. No sound. Available only to Net Yaroze members.
- I don't have a Playstation, so I haven't actually tried this. Comments from anyone who has would be welcomed.
- Available from the author's Net Yaroze home page
(You need to be a Net Yaroze member to access this). Information available from
the author's PS-ZX Page.
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- Emulates the 48K machine.
- Loads from a set of .SNA files in the executable (it is possible to
change these by patching the executable). The next version should be able
to load games from CD.
- No save capability.
- No real tape support.
- Requires a Playstation, a Datel Pro Action Replay with Comm Link interface
and cable, and the EZ-O-RAY action replay rom replacement (available here).
The next version should work on a standard Playstation when burned to a CD.
- Runs at true Spectrum speed.
- May be freely distributed for no commercial purpose in its original archive.
- Good points?
- Undocumented flags (used by Sabre Wulf and others) and R register not emulated.
- Again, I don't have a Playstation, so I haven't actually tried this. Comments
from anyone who has would be welcomed.
- Available from the author's home page or World of Spectrum.
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This FAQ is maintained by Philip Kendall;
distribution is permitted only under the conditions specified in the
copyright notice.
Primary site
for this FAQ: http://www.ast.cam.ac.uk/~pak/cssfaq/index.html.