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This page last updated on 11 Aug 2000
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6 emulators listed:
- Emulates 48/128/+3, with Multiface 128, Interface 1, Microdrive,
and Kempston Joystick.
- Loads .SNA, .Z80 (optionally with .DAT) snapshots, .MDR microdrive files and .DSK disk images.
- Saves to .SNA, .Z80, .MDR, and .DSK files.
- No real tape support.
- Requires?
- Speed?
- Freeware.
- Good points?
- Not a port of the current version of xzx,
so lacks many of the features available under Unix. Not available for Intel BeOS.
- Multiface 128 ROM not included due to copyright problems. Also
available for Unix and
Windows. Any comments/corrections to
the above welcomed.
- Available from Jens' Home Page.
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- Emulates Sinclair BASIC only - no Z80 emulation, so no machine code
programs work. Microdrive emulated via 1541/1571 disk drive.
- Loads Microdrive files from disk.
- Saves Microdrive files to disk.
- No real tape support.
- Requires just a basic C64.
- Slow - well, it is just BASIC and it is on a C64!
- Freeware?
- Allows C64 users to see some of the superiority of Sinclair's
masterpiece (well you try and think of a good point!). And Sinclair
BASIC is somewhat more useful than Commodore's attempt.
- Useless for all but the most BASIC of games (pun intended).
- Some information from Adam Roach's comp.emulators.misc FAQ.
- Available from World of Spectrum (ZIPped up .P00
file for use with the PC64 CBM 64 emulator).
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ROMU6 (Cesar Hernandez and Juan Hernandez) |
- Emulates Spectrum 48K BASIC only.
- No snapshot loading, tape files loaded via normal MSX tape loading.
- No snapshot saving, tape files saved via normal MSX tape saving.
- As the above implies, apparently has real tape support through normal MSX tape loading.
- Requires an MSX II with 128Kb Memory mapper. Though it will run on an MSX I
with a memory mapper the colours will be wrong.
- Speed?
- Freeware.
- Good points?
- Bad points?
- No other points.
- Available from World of Spectrum.
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- Emulates 48K Spectrum. ZX Printer still?
- As xz80.
- As xz80.
- As xz80.
- Requirements?
- Speed?
- Freeware (GNU Public License).
- Good points as xz80?
- Bad points as xz80?
- This is a quick hack of xz80 to make it run under NeXTStep. And yes,
this is from the same guy who does SoftPC for Insignia!
- Was available from ftp://pitcher.peak.org/pub/next/submissions/NXSpectrum.app.NIHS.compressed
but this site no longer exists.
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- 48K Spectrum emulation (via SAM Coupé hardware).
- Loads .SNA, Disciple/+D and Multiface tape snapshots, and from .TAP tape files.
- Saves .SNA, Disciple/+D and Multiface tape snapshots, and to .TAP tape files.
- Tape support (using the SAM ROM tape routines).
- Works OK with SAM DOS 2.0 and Master DOS 2.1.
- Runs a bit faster than a real Spectrum (due to SAM's faster CPU).
- Freely distributable in original form.
- Pull-down menu interface (kind of).
- Spectrum ROM not included. Some known bugs - listed in the manual.
- To get the program onto a SAM disk, you will need a PC disk reading progam for SAM, like KE Disk (from the PC->SAM package), or PC Suite.
- Available from NVG or World of Spectrum.
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- Emulates 48K Spectrum.
- Loads from own format snapshot and tape files.
- Saves to own format tape files.
- No real tape support.
- Nothing special.
- Speed?
- Freeware.
- Good points?
- Bad points?
- For those not in the know, the TI89 and TI92+ are two graphical calculators made by Texas Instruments.
- Available from World of Spectrum as either the TI89 version or TI92 version.
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This FAQ is maintained by Philip Kendall;
distribution is permitted only under the conditions specified in the
copyright notice.
Primary site
for this FAQ: http://www.ast.cam.ac.uk/~pak/cssfaq/index.html.