TS 2048
Timex / Sinclair, 1983 (unreleased)

The TS 2048 was Timex's second
unsuccessful attempt to bring the ZX
Spectrum to the US market. It was a 16K version
of the TS 2068
with a built-in Kempston joystick interface and new video
modes that allowed the machine to display 80 character text
as used by CP/M applications. The machine was never released
commercially, but a version of the TS 2048 was eventually
released by Timex Portugal, as the "Timex Computer 2048"
(shown above). This was included most of the features of the
original prototype and was highly compatible with the Spectrum,
although differences in the ROM and edge connector prevented
it from being fully compatible. Timex Portugal only sold the
TC 2048 in Portugal and Poland, where it was very successful.

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© Chris Owen 1994-2003