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Media File: 1982
Sinclair in the News

Financial Times
November 23, 1982

Advertising creates demand

From the Chairman, Sinclair Research

Sir, -- Although the criticisms of Sinclair Research made by the Advertising Standards Authority (Nov 17) are in many ways just, they should be set in the context of one of the most successful ever mail-order campaigns.

In the six months to mid-October, with advertising limited exclusively to the computing specialist Press, Sinclair generated over 50,000 orders for our new ZX Spectrum personal computer and over £7m in revenue -- a level not before attained. This level of demand was beyond our most optimistic projections, and we accept that as a result there were major delivery problems -- now completely resolved -- and very much regret the inconvenience to our customers.

The 109 complaints recorded by the ASA represent a tiny fraction of the order total. The great majority of our customers accepted our position and less than 1 per cent opted for their money back when we offered those waiting compensation or an immediate refund.

To minimise the problem we did, contrary to the ASA's comment, withdrew or cancel 80 per cent of our advertising for August and withheld a major national campaign until in October we were certain that the backlog was cleared. The remainder was placed with monthly magazines whose long lead times prevented withdrawal.

Spectrum production is now running at 40,000 units per month and we will shortly begin UK retail and export sales. It promises to be our most successful product to date.

Clive Sinclair,
6, King's Parade,