1982-84: Nigel Clark
1984-86: Bill Scolding
1986-88: David Kelly
1988-89: Graham
1989-90: Jim Douglas
1990-92: Garth Sumpter
1992-93: Alan Dykes
The oldest Sinclair magazine
was Sinclair User (1982-93), published by the media
giant EMAP. It started off covering the ZX81, expanded to
cover the Spectrum (eventually its sole focus) and also covered
the QL for a while from 1984-86.
The magazine went through three
distinct phases during its decade in publication, readily
distinguishable by the changing appearance of the cover:
1982-86 under the editorship of Nigel Clark and Bill
Scolding, Sinclair User aimed itself at
the "serious hobbyist". Games were only a relatively
small element of SU's coverage (unlike CRASH
and Your Spectrum
/ Your Sinclair).
Far more emphasis was put on worthy articles on serious
applications such as business computing, education and especially
programming. The magazine regularly carried a dozen or so
pages dedicated to type-in programs submitted by readers,
which proved popular enough to give rise to two spin-offs
- Sinclair Programs (1982-84), which was entirely
filled with type-in program listings, and the short-lived
Sinclair Projects (1982-83), devoted to DIY electronics
projects for the Spectrum and ZX81.
the end of 1986 under the editorship of David Kelly,
Sinclair User underwent a dramatic redesign to position
it firmly as a games magazine, with Your Sinclair
clearly being seen as its main target. "Serious"
content became increasingly scarce, although Andrew Hewson's
perennial Helpline column continued for until the
end of 1989. In 1988, SU, Crash and Your
Sinclair began a vicious circulation war as the readership
of 8-bit magazines crumbled with the rise of the Atari ST
and Commodore Amiga. A tape containing half a dozen or more
back-catalogue commercial games was now given away free
every month with SU and Your Sinclair (and eventually
with CRASH too), but the extra cost of the tapes
caused a drastic cutback in the editorial content of all
three magazines, with the number of pages halved inside
a few months. The tape wars were eventually ended by the
software industry, worried that the glut of free software
would affect their own sales.
User's last design change occured at the end of 1990
under Garth Sumpter's editorship, although the magazine
was now little more than a vehicle for the cover tape. Compared
with five years previously, the page count and the number
of staff writers had dropped by more than half. The 8-bit
micros entered a period of terminal decline at the start
of the 1990s, reflected in the falling sales of the companion
magazines. CRASH ceased publication in April 1992
and a year later, after 134 issues, so too did Sinclair
User; Your Sinclair hung on a little longer but
it too bit the dust in September 1993, finally bringing
down the curtain on the Spectrum magazine industry.

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