from the start, the Sinclair computers were supported by numerous
third-party peripherals manufacturers, offering everything
from memory expansions to printers to mass storage devices.
Sinclair Research and (later) Amstrad were not slow to offer
their own peripherals, most of which sold extremely well.
Sinclair was strangely uninterested in supplying badged products,
such as an official Sinclair cassette recorder, which would
have sold like hot cakes. Third-party manufacturers filled
the gap by repackaging cheap Far Eastern tape recorders as
"datacorders" and made substantial amounts of money
in doing so. Sinclair's American partner Timex did not make
the same mistake, with third-party tape recorders, modems
and printers appearing under the Timex name (see Timex
In all, ten official peripherals
were produced between 1981 and 1988:
A number of upgrades
were also available to improve the capabilities of the ZX80
and ZX Spectrum.

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© Chris Owen 1994-2003