sought for many years to create a truly pocketable television.
Although he made significant advances towards this goal in
the 1960s and 1970s, it was not until 1984 that the technology
(and his own resources) had developed sufficiently for him
to succeed.
Sinclair's Microvision and
TV80 (aka FTV) sold modestly well, shifting several tens of
thousands of units. Because of this, Sinclair pocket TVs are
not too difficult to find today.
note that items offered for sale through eBay are usually
second-hand and sold without any guarantees of any sort. They
may well be sold without packaging or instructions, and may
not even work at all. If you have any queries about an item
being auctioned, please contact the seller. Planet Sinclair
cannot take any responsibility for your transactions on eBay.
Always ensure that you know what you are buying!
* Note:
this is a rough estimate based on the typical sale value of
the item on eBay. The actual purchase or resale value may
differ significantly.

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Chris Owen 1994-2003 |