Index of /public/ftp/pub/linux/system/hardware

../                      Parent directory
!INDEX.html              Long index format
CDspindown-1.1.tar.gz    utility to set interval for IDE CDROM spin downs
SiS471_bus.tar.gz        set ISA bus speed on SiS 85c471 486 chipset
adidrv.taz               Configures some local bus IDE cards
bios-cmos-1.0.tar.gz     Small utilities to read/set/backup BIOS/CMOS parameters,
cachectl-1.0.tar.gz      allows you to control level 1 cache
cpuburn-1.3.tar.gz       A user program to maximally load an x86 CPU to generate maximum heat for stability testing
cyrix-1.00-elf.patch     patch for Cyrix cache enabler
cyrix-1.00.tar.gz        activate/tune 1kB cache on Cyrix chips
dram-1.00.tar.gz         changes your dram refresh rate for speedup
f6x86-1.0.tgz            xforms based tool for configuring Cyrix/IBM 6x86 CPU
frequency_counter-0.2.1.bz2 Verilog source code for a frequency counter running on the Digilent Digilab D2
frequency_counter-0.2.bz2 board with Xilinx Spartan-2-200 FPGA
gatoff.tar.gz            turns off guaranteed access timing for PCI
hdparm-6.7.tar.gz        hdparm - get/set hard disk parameters for Linux IDE drives.
hwcfg.tar.gz             hwcfg is a simple console program that shows the basic hardware configuration of the system
hwclock.tgz              Version 2.24 -- Used to read and set the hardware clock
isa_bench.c              Utility that measures ISA i/o speed
isapnptools-1.26.bin.tgz ISA plug and play configuration utilities
isapnptools-1.26.tgz     ISA plug and play configuration utilities
jpcat-0.1.1.tgz          Display, recording, and motion detection for the Q-tec 100 USB internet webcam.
jpcat-0.1.tgz            Display, recording, and motion detection for the Q-tec 100 USB internet webcam.
lcdpanel-0.50.tar.gz     driver code to drive LCD panels from the parallel port
memtest86-3.2.tar.gz     Memtest-86 is very thorough, stand alone memory test for x86 systems.
p3j-0.1.tgz              programming utility for Xilinx FPGA based Digilent digilab board.
p3j-0.2.tgz              programming utility for Xilinx FPGA based Digilent digilab board.
pnpkitv210.tgz           Resolve your Plug-And-Pray gripes and problems
ps2mouse-emul.c          A program that interprets PS/2 mouse signals to X11
pwrm-1.0.tar.Z           power management for WD chipset based lap-tops
rdev.c                   set boot device,ramdisk size,vidmode w/out recompiling
scanport.tar.gz          scans ISA io space for hardware devices
scsi-idle-2.0.34.tar.gz  wmalms monitors sensor data: temperature, fan speed, voltage.
scsifmt.c                send format and other low-level SCSI commands to a device
scsistop-0.3.3.c         a low-level SCSI drive start/stop program
set6x86-1.3.tar.gz       sets 5x86 and 6x86 config registers
shastakit.tar.gz         support for the shasta chipset
tosh_fan-1.1.tar.gz      a simple utility that can be run in the background to control the fan of a Toshiba laptop
update-1.3-spindown-patch.gz enables HDs to effectively spin down by delaying the flushing             misc control for veridata notebooks
watchdogrt-1.1.tar.gz    watchdog program for real-time applications
wmalms-1.1.1-1.i386.rpm  wmalms monitors sensor data: temperature, fan speed, voltage.
wmalms-1.1.1-1.src.rpm   wmalms monitors sensor data: temperature, fan speed, voltage.
wmalms-1.1.1.tar.gz      wmalms monitors sensor data: temperature, fan speed, voltage.

Last updated by using keeper 1.55 on 2006-10-26 17:10:54 UCT