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Re: [Re: Navigation, ...

Greg Ferguson wrote:

> >From the linuxdoc DTD:
>    <!-- ================================================= -->
>    <!-- INDEXING                                          -->
>    <!-- All elements having to do with generating indices -->
>    <!-- ================================================= -->
>    <!entity % index "idx|cdx" >
>    <!element idx - - (#pcdata)>
>    <!element cdx - - (#pcdata)>
> So it seems like there is a convention to have index terms which
> could be pulled out and used in a <meta> keyword field.

Those two tags are also in LinuxDoc DTD but are used to create
a table of index. Putting that in the meta tag would make it
too big and general.

What I had in mind are lke global keywords for the entire HOWTO.

   Stein Gjoen

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