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Re: Informal survey (was Re: Banner ads)

> > We could go to LI for the money, but really, where does the LI get
> > *its* money?  I don't think they sell cookies.
> >From its corporate membership fees.
> I'm not a member, but I think LI would consider supporting something of
> what you describe. It certainly wouldn't hurt to ask. It seems within
> their charter.

As an LI board member, I would not support any effort to give resources
to the LDP under its current "leadership".


  Donnie Barnes  http://www.donniebarnes.com  djb@donniebarnes.com  "Bah."
   Challenge Diversity.  Ignore People.  Live Life.  Use Linux.  879. V. 
    "They say that nobody is perfect. Then they tell you practice makes 
      perfect. I wish they'd make up their minds." -- Wilt Chamberlain

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