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RE: Are we good enough ?

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Guylhem Aznar [mailto:guylhem@oeil.qc.ca]
> Sent: Thursday, 16 September 1999 6:07
> To: LDP discuss
> Subject: Are we good enough ?
> Hi,
> We (the "core" team) get very few feedback from authors.
> Could ppl please tell us if our work for the LDP is good enough ?
> If it is not, what should we improve ?

LDP contributors,

I am not an author but would like to applaud the work that is being done for
the Linux community by the LDP people.

I like reading about the new web setup and the prospect of updated

Is the list readership large?  Is it growing?  Possibly a link to the list
on the LDP 'homepage' would draw some people in to the discussion....

Thanks for all your efforts,


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