Index of /public/ftp/pub/linux/apps/graphics/convert
What you'll find here: programs which convert between graphics formats
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- convert MJPEG-AVI (or RAW 16,24 or 32 AVI, YVU9 or Y41P AVI) to YUV (49111 bytes)
- Routines for converting between X-Face format and Bitblit (29154 bytes)
- extensible image converter for Amstrad CPC screensaves (74462 bytes)
- converts sketches made with the PalmOS programs into PBM files (10890 bytes)
- converts EPS file with Adobe interchange format preview to PBM (6308 bytes)
- generates PGM file with preview extracted from EPS file with Adobe interchange format (6609 bytes)
- package for manipulating images (214909 bytes)
- fbm2fli binaries [elf] (102797 bytes)
- creates .fli files, images with common color tables (32250 bytes)
- converts GIF images to PNGs (32279 bytes)
- converts GIF images to PNGs (108986 bytes)
- converts GIF images to PNGs (105879 bytes)
- converts GIF images to PNGs (34882 bytes)
- converts GIF images to PNGs (107739 bytes)
- converts GIF images to PNGs (104449 bytes)
- forms a single gif from multiple ones for anim (4679 bytes)
- forms a single gif from multiple ones for anim (5557 bytes)
- interlaces, trasparentizes, etc. gif images (21512 bytes)
- Convert a graphic image in Photo CD format to standard (35324 bytes)
- PPM (Netpbm) format. This package is designed to be (35324 bytes)
- convertor for PhotoCD images (66712 bytes)
- converts Microsoft .ico icons to .xpm icons (36156 bytes)
- converts Windows .ico to .xpm (108762 bytes)
- displays info, checks integrity of JPEG files (61454 bytes)
- utility to optimize/compress JPEG/JFIF files (13191 bytes)
- convert .lbm files (from DeluxePaintIIe) into PPM (84437 bytes)
- a library to enable non windows systems to work with wmf files (582053 bytes)
- MPEG 1 and 2 encoder and decoder. (203067 bytes)
- MPEG 1 video encoder (1258669 bytes)
- mpeg <--> single frame convertor (298830 bytes)
- A whole bunch of utilities for primitive manipulation of graphic images. (1911573 bytes)
- netpbm convertors from March, 1994 (349265 bytes)
- convert an NITF image to a portable anymap (30438 bytes)
- conversion programs that convert images (39064 bytes)
- convertors for many different formats (212091 bytes)
- convert between PBM and mrf, a B&W format for high compression of line art (10998 bytes)
- pcx2ppm converts PCX files to PPM format; lesss picky than pbmplus/netpbm (4165 bytes)
- PLG file processing package (18401 bytes)
- converts PPM, PGM, PBM to FLI animations and back (37040 bytes)
- converts PPM, PGM, PBM to FLI animations and back (38876 bytes)
- contains two programs, pnmtoprf and prftopnm, that convert portable anymap files to prf files. (8009 bytes)
- convert .TIM PSX files, or raw data (.RAW/.PIC) to .BMP (9348 bytes)
- Sony Playstation .tim -> .tga graphic converter (4605 bytes)
- converts between icon formats (258941 bytes)
Last updated by using keeper 1.55 on 2004-04-25 20:33:54 UCT